This comes from Census tables B01001, B01001A, B01001B, B01001C, B01001D, B01001E, B01001F, B01001G, B01001I, B01002, and B03002. Geographic extent is dependent on ACS 5 or 1 year.
This is a python script to extract the data from the Census API and format it to load into the WID. The script contains parameters to define years and areas for extraction allowing users to pull the most current data as needed. It will require a user to obtain a Census API key and insert it at the line “api_key = ” ”
Table Format
In WID 2.8 fields for Margins of Error were removed from the table structure, but all others remained the same.
Many states have a use for information about higher education providers, either for analytical purposes or to be able to direct job seekers to appropriate programs. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) puts out data about providers and programs offered, organized by state but containing address-level data.
The licauth table contains all agencies that issue occupational licenses. It is furnished to the ARC by state LMI offices. For more detail on this process, see our FAQ.
Data Sources
The source for this data varies by state.
Table Format
In version 2.8 the authority name fields were changed from name1, name2, and name3 to department, division, and board to improve consistency between states.
The license table is furnished to the ARC by state LMI offices. For more detail on this process, see our FAQ.
A review of the data quality and contents was conducted in 2018-2019. A summary of that work is available here.
Data Sources
The original source for this data varies by state. Once it’s been submitted to the ARC it’s reviewed and standardized and made available to the public. The primary means of publication is through the CareerOneStop LicenseFinder tool, but download files are also available from their site and on a state-by-state basis from the ARC. While these are useful for states to review and are helpful for cross-state comparisons, this is not a source for the deliverable that is to be submitted.
There are a number of organizations that have made efforts to track occupational licenses. They rarely are related back to SOC or ONET occupational coding, they may be limited in scope to certain types of occupations, and they may not be frequently updated. However, many add value that the WID structure doesn’t have, such as richer descriptive content or detail on types of requirements (“good moral character”, for example).
Every state manages this differently and some are handled at the department level rather than by a central source.
This comes from state-submitted data. Improvements made centrally include – standardizing occupational coding so it compares across states, – adding licenses identified as missing by other sources or collected centrally, – adding license compacts, – adding industry where relevant, – organizing descriptions into indicator values for key requirements
Table Format
In version 2.8 several requirements fields were added to allow comparison of license characteristics between states. Preliminary values have been generated from existing license descriptions and other data sources for most licenses.
Income data by geography. Includes income estimates from the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).
Data Sources
BEA income data is available for the US, States, and Counties and is published at various times throughout the year. National data lags by a year, but state and local data are published later.
Census income is available for the US, States, Metro/Micro areas and Counties and is published annually.
This comes from publicly available BEA data and will be available shortly after the official publication date/time. National data is contained in state-specific file.
This is a python script to extract the data from the BEA API and format it to load into the WID. The script contains parameters to define years and areas for extraction allowing users to pull the most current data as needed. It will require a user to obtain a BEA API key and insert it at the line “api_key = ” # insert API key here”
QCEW data is published quarterly with a lag of 6 to 9 months. It is available nationally, statewide, and for counties. States may have different regulations regarding QCEW publication and more detail may be available directly from states.
These are for editing and controlled access by LMI Analysts. State-level data is available for download as completed.
This comes from publicly available BLS data and will be available shortly after the official publication date/time. This extract is for the entire year, after the annual publication.
Links to the table description in the current structure document. Note: Page anchors do not work in Microsoft Edge (the default browser for some states).
This table contains the employer data from the Workforce Information Database Employer Database. Contents are furnished by a private contractor and use of the data in the Employer Database is subject to the terms and agreements the found in the contract signed by the states and the Employer Database supplier.
Data Sources
Data is released at the state level from the vendor once or twice a year. It can be arranged to download it from the vendor and a disk is sent to state LMI offices.
CareerOneStop receives the data through the same contract as states. They have produced a search tool and embeddable widget that meets contract requirements that states can link to or insert on their own websites.
WID Version?
The download from the vendor is similar to EMPDB structure.
Table Format
There were some values in the most recent release that violated foreign keys. The vendor put out this to explain the difference.
Links to the table description in the current structure document. Note: Page anchors do not work in Microsoft Edge (the default browser for some states).
The primary data source of this table is the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) program, a BLS-state partnership for collecting data at the occupational level.
OES data is published annually from a 3-year overlapping sample. For this reason, changes in occupational coding can complicate loads into the database.
These are for editing and controlled access by LMI Analysts. State-level data can also be aggregated to state-specific regional combinations, as well extracts created for analysis.
Links to the table description in the current structure document. Note: Page anchors do not work in Microsoft Edge (the default browser for some states).
National Projections are a BLS program and State and Local Projections are an ETA program conducted in partnership with states. National projections are produced every two years while the areas and frequency of state-level estimates is more variable.
Although data is produced for industries and occupations and combined into a single table for the purposes of the WID, the BLS presents them as separate programs. Analysis and documentation may not apply to both industry and occupational projections.
Projections Central
Projections Suite
These are for editing and controlled access by LMI Analysts. State-level data is available for download as completed.
This comes from publicly available BLS data and will be available shortly after the official publication date/time.
Table Format
In version 2.8 field titles were lengthened and an ownership field was added to inddir to help crosswalk the industries that are unique to projections. With version 2.7, data fields were added to reflect changes in methodology. Fields that no longer have historically consistent meaning or are no longer available were left in the table structure to preserve historic data but are meant to be left NULL with new imports.
Links to the table description in the current structure document. Note: Page anchors do not work in Microsoft Edge (the default browser for some states).