The occcodes table contains industry codes of all types. It references the occtypes table. Depending on what tables your state populates and how long the historical series is, which code types you need may vary quite a bit.

Data Sources

WID Content and Crosswalks
SOC 2018 SOC soc2018
Not yet in use for publication – the OES program will begin collecting the data in this coding structure with the Spring 2018 panel
 2017 SOC revisions changesThis is not a separate coding structure, but some revisions were made affecting roll-ups and certain detailed industries
 2010 SOC soc2010This is in active use for most BLS and related products
 2000 SOC soc2000
 1998 SOC soc1998
 Prior versions
ONET has more detail than SOC and has two more digits to reflect that. In most cases, the two systems can be crosswalked by directly matching the first 6 digits of the code, but the identification of occupations with more detail and aggregating those detailed occupations requires caution
DOT DOTThe Department of Labor (DOL) last revised DOT in 1991 and later replaced it with ONET. However, a number of specific applications still use DOT e.g. the USCIS and apprenticeships
CIP CIP 2020 (current)
 Prior versions
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) is used by the Department of Education to describe classes, credentials, and courses of study. In recent years, many different approaches to matching CIP codes to occupational codes have been attempted in order to research labor force mismatches and the benefits of higher education.
Census Codes Multiple versionsCensus, ACS, and CPS – surveys conducted by the Census Bureau – all use their own coding systems dictated by the survey design.  They provide classification systems and crosswalks
OES OES (current)
 Prior versions
The OES program bases its codes on SOC, but because of survey methodology it has additional codes and roll-ups.  In prior years OES had its own coding structure
Matrix BLS Documentation OCCDIRThe Projections program bases its codes on OES/SOC, but has some non-standard codes

Table Format

Title field was lengthened in version 2.8.



Update Calendar

Variable by occupational coding type.

Related Tables

Links to the table description in the current structure document.  Note: Page anchors do not work in Microsoft Edge (the default browser for some states).


OCCTYPES recommended content



The indcodes table contains industry codes of all types. It references the indtypes table. Depending on what tables your state populates and how long the historical series is, which code types you need may vary quite a bit.

Data Sources

WID Content
NAICS 2022 had primarily additions to the coding structure, so it was added to indcodes using the same indcodtyp as NAICS 2012
NAICS 2017 had primarily additions to the coding structure, so it was added to indcodes using the same indcodtyp as NAICS 2012
2012 NAICS  Structure
2007, 2002, 1997 NAICSQCEW switched from SIC to 2002 NAICS and back-coded data to 2000. The earliest NAICS codes for most of our products are from 2002
SICDiscontinued SICCODEStandard Industrial Classification (SIC) was in use prior to 2000.  Questions about it still come up from people doing historical research
Census CodesMultiple versions CENIND
Census, ACS, and CPS – surveys conducted by the Census Bureau – all use their own coding systems dictated by the survey design.  They provide classification systems and crosswalks
CES Codes Available series CESCODEThis is a NAICS-based structure that has been modified to suit the survey methodology and universe of the CES program.  Because the data is intended for use in a time series, when codes are revised they are applied retroactively to the historic series
Matrix Codes BLS Documentation INDDIRThe Projections program combines the industry structures from several programs and outputs data in NAICS, but with some non-standard codes

Table Format

No recent changes.



Update Calendar

Variable by industry coding type.

Related Tables

Links to the table description in the current structure document.  Note: Page anchors do not work in Microsoft Edge (the default browser for some states).



INDTYPES recommended content