Demographics (DEMOGRAPHICS)

This table contains population and demographic estimates for a geographic area and time period.

Data Sources

This comes from publicly available Census data and will be available shortly after the official publication date/time.

SourceNational, stateMetropolitan/ micropolitan


City and town

Tribal areas
This comes from Census tables B01001, B01001A, B01001B, B01001C, B01001D, B01001E, B01001F, B01001G, B01001I, B01002, and B03002. Geographic extent is dependent on ACS 5 or 1 year.
WID Version?All areasThis comes from publicly available Census data and will be available shortly after the official publication date/time.
CustomThis is a python script to extract the data from the Census API and format it to load into the WID. The script contains parameters to define years and areas for extraction allowing users to pull the most current data as needed. It will require a user to obtain a Census API key and insert it at the line “api_key = ” ”

Table Format

In WID 2.8 fields for Margins of Error were removed from the table structure, but all others remained the same.



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