-- 1 StateFips L insert into StateFips select stfips, stname, abbrev from wid28.dbo.stfipstb -- 2 AreaTypes L insert into AreaTypes values ('00','41','BLS CPI areas'), ('00','00','US'), ('01','01','State'), ('01','03','SDA'), ('01','04','County'), ('01','05','Minor Civil Division'), ('01','06','BLS Region'), ('01','07','Broad Geographic Area (BGA)'), ('01','08','Economic Development Region'), ('01','09','Planning Region'), ('01','10','Labor Market Area'), ('01','11','City'), ('01','12','Town'), ('01','13','Township'), ('01','14','Municipality/Suburb'), ('01','15','Workforce Investment Region'), ('01','16','One Stop Area'), ('01','17','Workforce Development Area'), ('01','18','Job Center Area'), ('01','19','Congressional District'), ('01','20','Census Places'), ('01','25','Metropolitan New England City and Town Area (NECTA)'), ('01','26','Micropolitan New England City and Town Area (NECTA)'), ('01','27','New England City and Town Area (NECTA) Divisions'), ('01','28','Combined New England City and Town Area (NECTA)'), ('01','30','Balance of State'), ('01','31','Metropolitan Statistical Area'), ('01','32','Micropolitan Statistical Area'), ('01','33','Metropolitan Division'), ('01','34','Combined Statistical Area'), ('01','35','EEO County Group'), ('01','41','BLS CPI areas') insert into AreaTypes select stfips.stfips, typs.areatype, typs.areatypename from (select * from areatypes where stfips='01') typs cross join (select stfips from Statefips where stfips not in ('00','01')) stfips -- 2 AreaTypeVersions L insert into AreaTypeVersions values ('00','41','2010',''), ('00','41','2018','Current version'), ('00','00','0000',''), ('01','01','0000',''), ('01','03','0000',''), ('01','04','0000',''), ('01','05','0000',''), ('01','06','0000',''), ('01','07','0000',''), ('01','08','0000',''), ('01','09','0000',''), ('01','10','0000',''), ('01','11','0000',''), ('01','12','0000',''), ('01','13','0000',''), ('01','14','0000',''), ('01','15','0000',''), ('01','16','0000',''), ('01','17','0000',''), ('01','18','0000',''), ('01','19','0000',''), ('01','20','0000',''), ('01','25','2010','Current version'), ('01','26','2010','Current version'), ('01','27','2010','Current version'), ('01','28','2010','Current version'), ('01','30','0000',''), ('01','31','2017','Current version'), ('01','32','2017','Current version'), ('01','33','2017','Current version'), ('01','34','2017','Current version'), ('01','31','2010',''), ('01','32','2010',''), ('01','33','2010',''), ('01','34','2010',''), ('01','35','0000',''), ('01','41','2010',''), ('01','41','2018','Current version'), ('01','31','2003',''), ('01','32','2003',''), ('01','33','2003',''), ('01','34','2003','') insert into AreaTypeVersions select stfips.stfips, versions.areatype, versions.areatypeversion, versions.areatypeversionnotes from (select * from areatypeversions where stfips='01') versions cross join (select stfips from Statefips where stfips not in ('00','01')) stfips -- 3 GeoPrecisionCodes L insert into GeoPrecisionCodes select * from wid28.dbo.geocode -- 4 Geographies L insert into Geographies select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, case when areaname is null then '' else areaname end as areaname, areadesc, Latitude, Longitude, Geopcode from wid28.dbo.geog where areatype in ('00','01','04','31','32','33','34','41') -- 5 SubGeographies L insert into SubGeographies select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, substfips, case when subareatyp = '40' then '41' when subareatyp = '21' then '31' when subareatyp = '22' then '32' when subareatyp = '23' then '33' when subareatyp = '24' then '34' else subareatyp end as subareatype, case when subareatyp = '40' then '2010' when subareatyp = '41' then '2018' when subareatyp = '21' then '2010' when subareatyp = '22' then '2010' when subareatyp = '23' then '2010' when subareatyp = '24' then '2010' when subareatyp = '31' then '2017' when subareatyp = '32' then '2017' when subareatyp = '33' then '2017' when subareatyp = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as subareatypeversion, subarea from wid28.dbo.subgeog where areatype in ('00','01','04','31','32','33','34','41') and subareatyp in ('00','01','04','31','32','33','34','41') -- 6 CodeFlags L insert into CodeFlags values ('0', 'No flag'), ('1', 'OEWS-specific occupation or industry'), ('2', 'State-specific occupation or industry') -- 7 PeriodYears L insert into PeriodYears select distinct periodyear from wid28.dbo.period -- 8 PeriodTypes L insert into PeriodTypes select * from wid28.dbo.periodty where periodtype not in ('50','70') --remove state-defined placeholders -- 9 Periods L insert into Periods values ('01','00','Annual'), ('02','01','First Quarter'), ('02','02','Second Quarter'), ('02','03','Third Quarter'), ('02','04','Fourth Quarter'), ('03','01','January'), ('03','02','February'), ('03','03','March'), ('03','04','April'), ('03','05','May'), ('03','06','June'), ('03','07','July'), ('03','08','August'), ('03','09','September'), ('03','10','October'), ('03','11','November'), ('03','12','December'), ('05','00','Decennial'), ('10','00','1-year ACS'), ('60','00','5-year ACS') -- 12 OccCodeTypes L insert into OccCodeTypes select * from wid28.dbo.occtypes insert into OccCodeTypes values('22', 'Pathways Code') -- 10 CareerClusters L insert into CareerClusters select '01', * from wid28.dbo.careerclust -- 11 CareerPaths L insert into CareerPaths select '22', * from wid28.dbo.careerpaths -- 13 BLSEducation L insert into BLSEducation select * from wid28.dbo.education -- 14 Experience L insert into Experience select * from wid28.dbo.experience -- 15 BLSTrainingCodes L insert into BLSTrainingCodes select * from wid28.dbo.training -- 16 CPIItems L -- from BLS insert into CPIItems values ('AA0','All items - old base'), ('AA0R','Purchasing power of the consumer dollar - old base'), ('SA0','All items'), ('SA0E','Energy'), ('SA0L1','All items less food'), ('SA0L12','All items less food and shelter'), ('SA0L12E','All items less food, shelter, and energy'), ('SA0L12E4','All items less food, shelter, energy, and used cars and trucks'), ('SA0L1E','All items less food and energy'), ('SA0L2','All items less shelter'), ('SA0L5','All items less medical care'), ('SA0LE','All items less energy'), ('SA0R','Purchasing power of the consumer dollar'), ('SA311','Apparel less footwear'), ('SAA','Apparel'), ('SAA1','Men''s and boys'' apparel'), ('SAA2','Women''s and girls'' apparel'), ('SAC','Commodities'), ('SACE','Energy commodities'), ('SACL1','Commodities less food'), ('SACL11','Commodities less food and beverages'), ('SACL1E','Commodities less food and energy commodities'), ('SACL1E4','Commodities less food, energy, and used cars and trucks'), ('SAD','Durables'), ('SAE','Education and communication'), ('SAE1','Education'), ('SAE2','Communication'), ('SAE21','Information and information processing'), ('SAEC','Education and communication commodities'), ('SAES','Education and communication services'), ('SAF','Food and beverages'), ('SAF1','Food'), ('SAF11','Food at home'), ('SAF111','Cereals and bakery products'), ('SAF112','Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs'), ('SAF1121','Meats, poultry, and fish'), ('SAF11211','Meats'), ('SAF113','Fruits and vegetables'), ('SAF1131','Fresh fruits and vegetables'), ('SAF114','Nonalcoholic beverages and beverage materials'), ('SAF115','Other food at home'), ('SAF116','Alcoholic beverages'), ('SAG','Other goods and services'), ('SAG1','Personal care'), ('SAGC','Other goods'), ('SAGS','Other personal services'), ('SAH','Housing'), ('SAH1','Shelter'), ('SAH2','Fuels and utilities'), ('SAH21','Household energy'), ('SAH3','Household furnishings and operations'), ('SAH31','Household furnishings and supplies'), ('SAM','Medical care'), ('SAM1','Medical care commodities'), ('SAM2','Medical care services'), ('SAN','Nondurables'), ('SAN1D','Domestically produced farm food'), ('SANL1','Nondurables less food'), ('SANL11','Nondurables less food and beverages'), ('SANL113','Nondurables less food, beverages, and apparel'), ('SANL13','Nondurables less food and apparel'), ('SAR','Recreation'), ('SARC','Recreation commodities'), ('SARS','Recreation services'), ('SAS','Services'), ('SAS24','Utilities and public transportation'), ('SAS2RS','Rent of shelter'), ('SAS367','Other services'), ('SAS4','Transportation services'), ('SASL2RS','Services less rent of shelter'), ('SASL5','Services less medical care services'), ('SASLE','Services less energy services'), ('SAT','Transportation'), ('SAT1','Private transportation'), ('SATCLTB','Transportation commodities less motor fuel'), ('SEAA','Men''s apparel'), ('SEAA01','Men''s suits, sport coats, and outerwear'), ('SEAA02','Men''s underwear, nightwear, swimwear and accessories'), ('SEAA03','Men''s shirts and sweaters'), ('SEAA04','Men''s pants and shorts'), ('SEAB','Boys'' apparel'), ('SEAC','Women''s apparel'), ('SEAC01','Women''s outerwear'), ('SEAC02','Women''s dresses'), ('SEAC03','Women''s suits and separates'), ('SEAC04','Women''s underwear, nightwear, swimwear and accessories'), ('SEAD','Girls'' apparel'), ('SEAE','Footwear'), ('SEAE01','Men''s footwear'), ('SEAE02','Boys'' and girls'' footwear'), ('SEAE03','Women''s footwear'), ('SEAF','Infants'' and toddlers'' apparel'), ('SEAG','Jewelry and watches'), ('SEAG01','Watches'), ('SEAG02','Jewelry'), ('SEEA','Educational books and supplies'), ('SEEB','Tuition, other school fees, and childcare'), ('SEEB01','College tuition and fees'), ('SEEB02','Elementary and high school tuition and fees'), ('SEEB03','Day care and preschool'), ('SEEB04','Technical and business school tuition and fees'), ('SEEC','Postage and delivery services'), ('SEEC01','Postage'), ('SEEC02','Delivery services'), ('SEED','Telephone services'), ('SEED03','Wireless telephone services'), ('SEED04','Residential telephone services'), ('SEEE','Information technology, hardware and services'), ('SEEE01','Computers, peripherals, and smart home assistants'), ('SEEE02','Computer software and accessories'), ('SEEE03','Internet services and electronic information providers'), ('SEEE04','Telephone hardware, calculators, and other consumer information items'), ('SEEEC','Information technology commodities'), ('SEFA','Cereals and cereal products'), ('SEFA01','Flour and prepared flour mixes'), ('SEFA02','Breakfast cereal'), ('SEFA03','Rice, pasta, cornmeal'), ('SEFB','Bakery products'), ('SEFB01','Bread'), ('SEFB02','Fresh biscuits, rolls, muffins'), ('SEFB03','Cakes, cupcakes, and cookies'), ('SEFB04','Other bakery products'), ('SEFC','Beef and veal'), ('SEFC01','Uncooked ground beef'), ('SEFC02','Uncooked beef roasts'), ('SEFC03','Uncooked beef steaks'), ('SEFC04','Uncooked other beef and veal'), ('SEFD','Pork'), ('SEFD01','Bacon, breakfast sausage, and related products'), ('SEFD02','Ham'), ('SEFD03','Pork chops'), ('SEFD04','Other pork including roasts, steaks, and ribs'), ('SEFE','Other meats'), ('SEFF','Poultry'), ('SEFF01','Chicken'), ('SEFF02','Other uncooked poultry including turkey'), ('SEFG','Fish and seafood'), ('SEFG01','Fresh fish and seafood'), ('SEFG02','Processed fish and seafood'), ('SEFH','Eggs'), ('SEFJ','Dairy and related products'), ('SEFJ01','Milk'), ('SEFJ02','Cheese and related products'), ('SEFJ03','Ice cream and related products'), ('SEFJ04','Other dairy and related products'), ('SEFK','Fresh fruits'), ('SEFK01','Apples'), ('SEFK02','Bananas'), ('SEFK03','Citrus fruits'), ('SEFK04','Other fresh fruits'), ('SEFL','Fresh vegetables'), ('SEFL01','Potatoes'), ('SEFL02','Lettuce'), ('SEFL03','Tomatoes'), ('SEFL04','Other fresh vegetables'), ('SEFM','Processed fruits and vegetables'), ('SEFM01','Canned fruits and vegetables'), ('SEFM02','Frozen fruits and vegetables'), ('SEFM03','Other processed fruits and vegetables including dried'), ('SEFN','Juices and nonalcoholic drinks'), ('SEFN01','Carbonated drinks'), ('SEFN02','Frozen noncarbonated juices and drinks'), ('SEFN03','Nonfrozen noncarbonated juices and drinks'), ('SEFP','Beverage materials including coffee and tea'), ('SEFP01','Coffee'), ('SEFP02','Other beverage materials including tea'), ('SEFR','Sugar and sweets'), ('SEFR01','Sugar and sugar substitutes'), ('SEFR02','Candy and chewing gum'), ('SEFR03','Other sweets'), ('SEFS','Fats and oils'), ('SEFS01','Butter and margarine'), ('SEFS02','Salad dressing'), ('SEFS03','Other fats and oils including peanut butter'), ('SEFT','Other foods'), ('SEFT01','Soups'), ('SEFT02','Frozen and freeze dried prepared foods'), ('SEFT03','Snacks'), ('SEFT04','Spices, seasonings, condiments, sauces'), ('SEFT05','Baby food and formula'), ('SEFT06','Other miscellaneous foods'), ('SEFV','Food away from home'), ('SEFV01','Full service meals and snacks'), ('SEFV02','Limited service meals and snacks'), ('SEFV03','Food at employee sites and schools'), ('SEFV04','Food from vending machines and mobile vendors'), ('SEFV05','Other food away from home'), ('SEFW','Alcoholic beverages at home'), ('SEFW01','Beer, ale, and other malt beverages at home'), ('SEFW02','Distilled spirits at home'), ('SEFW03','Wine at home'), ('SEFX','Alcoholic beverages away from home'), ('SEGA','Tobacco and smoking products'), ('SEGA01','Cigarettes'), ('SEGA02','Tobacco products other than cigarettes'), ('SEGB','Personal care products'), ('SEGB01','Hair, dental, shaving, and miscellaneous personal care products'), ('SEGB02','Cosmetics, perfume, bath, nail preparations and implements'), ('SEGC','Personal care services'), ('SEGC01','Haircuts and other personal care services'), ('SEGD','Miscellaneous personal services'), ('SEGD01','Legal services'), ('SEGD02','Funeral expenses'), ('SEGD03','Laundry and dry cleaning services'), ('SEGD04','Apparel services other than laundry and dry cleaning'), ('SEGD05','Financial services'), ('SEGE','Miscellaneous personal goods'), ('SEHA','Rent of primary residence'), ('SEHB','Lodging away from home'), ('SEHB01','Housing at school, excluding board'), ('SEHB02','Other lodging away from home including hotels and motels'), ('SEHC','Owners'' equivalent rent of residences'), ('SEHC01','Owners'' equivalent rent of primary residence'), ('SEHD','Tenants'' and household insurance'), ('SEHE','Fuel oil and other fuels'), ('SEHE01','Fuel oil'), ('SEHE02','Propane, kerosene, and firewood'), ('SEHF','Energy services'), ('SEHF01','Electricity'), ('SEHF02','Utility (piped) gas service'), ('SEHG','Water and sewer and trash collection services'), ('SEHG01','Water and sewerage maintenance'), ('SEHG02','Garbage and trash collection'), ('SEHH','Window and floor coverings and other linens'), ('SEHH01','Floor coverings'), ('SEHH02','Window coverings'), ('SEHH03','Other linens'), ('SEHJ','Furniture and bedding'), ('SEHJ01','Bedroom furniture'), ('SEHJ02','Living room, kitchen, and dining room furniture'), ('SEHJ03','Other furniture'), ('SEHK','Appliances'), ('SEHK01','Major appliances'), ('SEHK02','Other appliances'), ('SEHL','Other household equipment and furnishings'), ('SEHL01','Clocks, lamps, and decorator items'), ('SEHL02','Indoor plants and flowers'), ('SEHL03','Dishes and flatware'), ('SEHL04','Nonelectric cookware and tableware'), ('SEHM','Tools, hardware, outdoor equipment and supplies'), ('SEHM01','Tools, hardware and supplies'), ('SEHM02','Outdoor equipment and supplies'), ('SEHN','Housekeeping supplies'), ('SEHN01','Household cleaning products'), ('SEHN02','Household paper products'), ('SEHN03','Miscellaneous household products'), ('SEHP','Household operations'), ('SEHP01','Domestic services'), ('SEHP02','Gardening and lawncare services'), ('SEHP03','Moving, storage, freight expense'), ('SEHP04','Repair of household items'), ('SEMC','Professional services'), ('SEMC01','Physicians'' services'), ('SEMC02','Dental services'), ('SEMC03','Eyeglasses and eye care'), ('SEMC04','Services by other medical professionals'), ('SEMD','Hospital and related services'), ('SEMD01','Hospital services'), ('SEMD02','Nursing homes and adult day services'), ('SEMD03','Care of invalids and elderly at home'), ('SEME','Health insurance'), ('SEMF','Medicinal drugs'), ('SEMF01','Prescription drugs'), ('SEMF02','Nonprescription drugs'), ('SEMG','Medical equipment and supplies'), ('SERA','Video and audio'), ('SERA01','Televisions'), ('SERA02','Cable, satellite, and live streaming television service'), ('SERA03','Other video equipment'), ('SERA04','Purchase, subscription, and rental of video'), ('SERA05','Audio equipment'), ('SERA06','Recorded music and music subscriptions'), ('SERAC','Video and audio products'), ('SERAS','Video and audio services'), ('SERB','Pets, pet products and services'), ('SERB01','Pets and pet products'), ('SERB02','Pet services including veterinary'), ('SERC','Sporting goods'), ('SERC01','Sports vehicles including bicycles'), ('SERC02','Sports equipment'), ('SERD','Photography'), ('SERD01','Photographic equipment and supplies'), ('SERD02','Photographers and photo processing'), ('SERE','Other recreational goods'), ('SERE01','Toys'), ('SERE02','Sewing machines, fabric and supplies'), ('SERE03','Music instruments and accessories'), ('SERF','Other recreation services'), ('SERF01','Club membership for shopping clubs, fraternal, or other organizations, or participant sports fees'), ('SERF02','Admissions'), ('SERF03','Fees for lessons or instructions'), ('SERG','Recreational reading materials'), ('SERG01','Newspapers and magazines'), ('SERG02','Recreational books'), ('SETA','New and used motor vehicles'), ('SETA01','New vehicles'), ('SETA02','Used cars and trucks'), ('SETA03','Leased cars and trucks'), ('SETA04','Car and truck rental'), ('SETB','Motor fuel'), ('SETB01','Gasoline (all types)'), ('SETB02','Other motor fuels'), ('SETC','Motor vehicle parts and equipment'), ('SETC01','Tires'), ('SETC02','Vehicle accessories other than tires'), ('SETD','Motor vehicle maintenance and repair'), ('SETD01','Motor vehicle body work'), ('SETD02','Motor vehicle maintenance and servicing'), ('SETD03','Motor vehicle repair'), ('SETE','Motor vehicle insurance'), ('SETF','Motor vehicle fees'), ('SETF01','State motor vehicle registration and license fees'), ('SETF03','Parking and other fees'), ('SETG','Public transportation'), ('SETG01','Airline fares'), ('SETG02','Other intercity transportation'), ('SETG03','Intracity transportation'), ('SS01031','Rice'), ('SS02011','White bread'), ('SS02021','Bread other than white'), ('SS02041','Fresh cakes and cupcakes'), ('SS02042','Cookies'), ('SS02063','Fresh sweetrolls, coffeecakes, doughnuts'), ('SS0206A','Crackers, bread, and cracker products'), ('SS0206B','Frozen and refrigerated bakery products, pies, tarts, turnovers'), ('SS04011','Bacon and related products'), ('SS04012','Breakfast sausage and related products'), ('SS04031','Ham, excluding canned'), ('SS05011','Frankfurters'), ('SS05014','Lamb and organ meats'), ('SS05015','Lamb and mutton'), ('SS0501A','Lunchmeats'), ('SS06011','Fresh whole chicken'), ('SS06021','Fresh and frozen chicken parts'), ('SS07011','Shelf stable fish and seafood'), ('SS07021','Frozen fish and seafood'), ('SS09011','Fresh whole milk'), ('SS09021','Fresh milk other than whole'), ('SS10011','Butter'), ('SS11031','Oranges, including tangerines'), ('SS13031','Canned fruits'), ('SS14011','Frozen vegetables'), ('SS14021','Canned vegetables'), ('SS14022','Dried beans, peas, and lentils'), ('SS16011','Margarine'), ('SS16014','Peanut butter'), ('SS17031','Roasted coffee'), ('SS17032','Instant coffee'), ('SS18041','Salt and other seasonings and spices'), ('SS18042','Olives, pickles, relishes'), ('SS18043','Sauces and gravies'), ('SS1804B','Other condiments'), ('SS18064','Prepared salads'), ('SS20021','Whiskey at home'), ('SS20022','Distilled spirits, excluding whiskey, at home'), ('SS20051','Beer, ale, and other malt beverages away from home'), ('SS20052','Wine away from home'), ('SS20053','Distilled spirits away from home'), ('SS27051','Land-line interstate toll calls'), ('SS27061','Land-line intrastate toll calls'), ('SS30021','Laundry equipment'), ('SS31022','Video discs and other media'), ('SS31023','Video game hardware, software and accessories'), ('SS33032','Stationery, stationery supplies, gift wrap'), ('SS45011','New cars'), ('SS4501A','New cars and trucks'), ('SS45021','New trucks'), ('SS45031','New motorcycles'), ('SS47014','Gasoline, unleaded regular'), ('SS47015','Gasoline, unleaded midgrade'), ('SS47016','Gasoline, unleaded premium'), ('SS47021','Motor oil, coolant, and fluids'), ('SS48021','Vehicle parts and equipment other than tires'), ('SS52051','Parking fees and tolls'), ('SS53021','Intercity bus fare'), ('SS53022','Intercity train fare'), ('SS53023','Ship fare'), ('SS53031','Intracity mass transit'), ('SS5702','Inpatient hospital services'), ('SS5703','Outpatient hospital services'), ('SS61011','Toys, games, hobbies and playground equipment'), ('SS61021','Film and photographic supplies'), ('SS61023','Photographic equipment'), ('SS61031','Pet food'), ('SS61032','Purchase of pets, pet supplies, accessories'), ('SS62011','Automobile service clubs'), ('SS62031','Admission to movies, theaters, and concerts'), ('SS62032','Admission to sporting events'), ('SS62051','Photographer fees'), ('SS62052','Photo Processing'), ('SS62053','Pet services'), ('SS62054','Veterinarian services'), ('SS62055','Subscription and rental of video and video games'), ('SS68021','Checking account and other bank services'), ('SS68023','Tax return preparation and other accounting fees'), ('SSEA011','College textbooks'), ('SSEE041','Smartphones'), ('SSFV031A','Food at elementary and secondary schools'), ('SSGE013','Infants'' equipment'), ('SSHJ031','Infants'' furniture') -- 17 OccSubLevels L insert into OccSubLevels select subtot, subtotdesc from wid28.dbo.occsub -- 18 OccDirectories L insert into OccDirectories select matoccode, estyear, periodtype, estperiod, projyear, case when matocctitl is null then '' else matocctitl end, subtot from wid28.dbo.occdir o left join wid28.dbo.periodid p on o.periodid = p.periodid -- 19 IndCodeTypes L insert into IndCodeTypes select * from wid28.dbo.indtypes insert into IndCodeTypes values ('06', 'CES Series Code'), ('07', 'JOLTS Code') -- 20 WageRateTypes L insert into WageRateTypes select * from wid28.dbo.ratetype -- 21 SalesTypes L insert into SalesTypes select * from wid28.dbo.salestyp -- 22 WageSources L insert into WageSources select * from wid28.dbo.wgsource where wagesource not in ('6','9') --remove state-defined placeholders -- 23 IndSubLevels L insert into IndSubLevels select distinct subtot, subtotdesc from wid28.dbo.indsub -- 24 Ownerships L insert into Ownerships select distinct ownership, ownertitle from wid28.dbo.ownershp -- 25 PopulationSources L insert into PopulationSources select * from wid28.dbo.popsource where popsource not in ('6','9') --remove state-defined placeholders -- 26 UnitTypes L insert into UnitTypes select * from wid28.dbo.unittype where unittype not in ('50','70') --remove state-defined placeholders -- 27 CESCodes L insert into CESCodes select distinct '06', seriescode, seriesttls, seriesttll, seriesdesc, serieslvl from wid28.dbo.cescode -- 28 CIPCodes L insert into CIPCodes select cipcodetype, cipcode, left(ciptitle,100), ciptitle,cipdesc, ciplevel from wid28.dbo.cipcode -- 30 CompleterTypes L insert into CompleterTypes select * from wid28.dbo.compltyp -- 31 Genders L insert into Genders select * from wid28.dbo.gender -- 32 InstitutionOwnerships L insert into InstitutionOwnerships select * from wid28.dbo.instown -- 33 InstitutionTypes L insert into InstitutionTypes select * from wid28.dbo.insttype -- 34 LengthTypes L insert into LengthTypes select * from wid28.dbo.lentype -- 35 NAICSDomains L insert into NAICSDomains select * from wid28.dbo.naicdom -- 36 NAICSSuperSectors L insert into NAICSSuperSectors select * from wid28.dbo.naicsupr -- 37 NAICSSectors L insert into NAICSSectors select * from wid28.dbo.naicsect -- 38 NAICSLevels L insert into NAICSLevels select * from wid28.dbo.naicslvl -- 39 NAICSCodes L insert into NAICSCodes select '10' as naicscodetype, naicscode, naicstitle, naicstitll, naicsdesc, naicslvl, naicsect, '0' as flag from wid28.dbo.naiccode -- 40 RaceCodes L insert into RaceCodes values ('00', 'All Races'), ('01', 'White'), ('02', 'Black'), ('03', 'Asian'), ('04', 'American Indian or Alaskan Native') insert into EthnicityCodes values ('0', 'All Ethnicities'), ('1', 'Hispanic'), ('2', 'Non-Hispanic') -- 41 ONETCodes L insert into ONETCodes select '21' as onetcodetype, onetcode, onetyear, onettitle, onetdesc from wid28.dbo.onetcode -- 42 IndDirectories L insert into IndDirectories select matincode, estyear, periodtype, estperiod, projyear, matintitle, subtot , ownership from wid28.dbo.inddir o left join wid28.dbo.periodid p on o.periodid = p.periodid -- 43 TransferPaymentTypes L --insert into TransferPaymentTypes -- 44 SOCCodes L insert into SOCCodes select soccodetype, soccode, soctitle, soctitlel, socdesc, education, experience, training, oesflag, socparent from wid28.dbo.soccode -- 45 StateProgramCode L insert into StateProgramCode select * from wid28.dbo.stprogcd -- 46 OccupationCodes L insert into OccupationCodes select * from wid28.dbo.occcodes where codetitle is not null -- 47 IndustryCodes L insert into IndustryCodes select * from wid28.dbo.indcodes -- 48 TaxType L insert into TaxTypes select * from wid28.dbo.taxtype -- 49 AgeGroupTypes L insert into AgeGroupTypes values ('01','Current Population Survey'), ('02','Census Population') -- 51 AgeGroups L insert into AgeGroups (agegroup, agegrouptype, agegroupdesc) values ('01','01','16 and over'), ('02','01','16 to 19'), ('03','01','20 and over'), ('04','01','20 to 24'), ('05','01','25 to 34'), ('06','01','35 to 44'), ('07','01','45 to 54'), ('08','01','55 to 64'), ('09','01','65 and over'), ('10','02','Less than 5 years'), ('11','02','5 to 9 years'), ('12','02','10 to 14 years'), ('13','02','15 to 19 years'), ('14','02','20 to 24 years'), ('15','02','25 to 29 years'), ('16','02','30 to 34 years'), ('17','02','35 to 44 years'), ('18','02','45 to 54 years'), ('19','02','55 to 59 years'), ('20','02','60 to 64 years'), ('21','02','65 to 69 years'), ('22','02','70 to 74 years'), ('23','02','75 to 79 years'), ('24','02','80 to 84 years'), ('25','02','85 years and over') -- 52 AnnualSalesCodes L insert into AnnualSalesCodes select * from wid28.dbo.annslflg -- 53 AnnualSalesRanges L insert into AnnualSalesRanges select * from wid28.dbo.annslrng -- 54 Benchmark L insert into Benchmark select * from wid28.dbo.benmark -- 55 CPITypes L insert into CPITypes select cpitype, cpititle, cpidesc from wid28.dbo.cpitype -- 56 CPISources L insert into CPISources select * from wid28.dbo.cpisource where cpisource not in ('6','8') --remove state-defined placeholders -- 57 CreditCodes L insert into CreditCodes select * from wid28.dbo.creditcd -- 58 EmpSizeFlag L insert into EmpSizeFlag select * from wid28.dbo.empszflg -- 59 EmpSizeRange L insert into EmpSizeRange select * from wid28.dbo.empszrng -- 60 GrowthCodes L insert into GrowthCodes select * from wid28.dbo.growcode where growcode not in ('50','70') --remove state-defined placeholders -- 61 IncomeSources L insert into IncomeSources select * from wid28.dbo.incsourc where incsource not in ('6','8') --remove state-defined placeholders -- 62 IncomeTypes L insert into IncomeTypes select * from wid28.dbo.incomtyp where inctype not in ('50','70') --remove state-defined placeholders -- 63 LayTitles L insert into LayTitles select * from wid28.dbo.laytitle -- 64 LicenseNumberTypes L insert into LicenseNumberTypes select * from wid28.dbo.licnumty where licnumtype not in ('50','70') --remove state-defined placeholders -- 65 LocationStatuses L insert into LocationStatuses select * from wid28.dbo.locstat -- 66 PrivateGovt L insert into PrivateGovt select * from wid28.dbo.prvgovst -- 67 BEDTypes L insert into BEDTypes select * from wid28.dbo.bedtypes -- 68 ClassTime L insert into ClassTime select * from wid28.dbo.classtime -- 69 ContactProTitles L insert into ContactProTitles select * from wid28.dbo.contactpro -- 70 ContactTitles L insert into ContactTitles select * from wid28.dbo.contacttitle -- 71 SpecialIDs L insert into SpecialIDs values ('GRN', 'Green'), ('GTH', 'High Growth'), ('RMT', 'Often Remote') -- 72 StockExchange L insert into StockExchange select * from wid28.dbo.stockexch -- 73 IndOccSpecialIDs L --NOTE: this makes some assumptions about the data that's already in the table insert into IndOccSpecialIDs select stfips, '01', '0000', '000000', '2020', indcodty, indcode, occodetype, occcode, 'GRN', pctgreen from wid28.dbo.iospecialid -- 74 BED D insert into BED select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, periodyear, periodtype, period, indcodtype, indcode, adjusted, bedtypcode, bedemploy, bedempperc, bedestabs, bedestperc, suppress from wid28.dbo.bed -- 75 BuildingPermits D insert into BuildingPermits select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, periodyear, periodtype, period, unittype, units, unitcost from wid28.dbo.blding -- 76 CES D insert into CES select StFips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as AreaType, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2001' when areatype = '22' then '2001' when areatype = '23' then '2001' when areatype = '24' then '2001' when areatype = '31' then '2301' when areatype = '32' then '2301' when areatype = '33' then '2301' when areatype = '34' then '2301' else '0000' end as AreaTypeVersion, Area, PeriodYear, PeriodType, Period, '06' as SeriesCodeType, SeriesCode, Adjusted, Benchmark, Prelim, EmpCES, empprodwrk as EmpProductionWorkers, empfemale as EmpFemaleWorkers, earnings as HoursPerWeek, hourearn as EarningsPerWeek, supprecord as SuppRecord, supphe as SuppHoursEarnings, supppw as SuppProdWorkers, suppfem as SuppFemaleWorkers, hoursallwrkr as HoursAllWorkers, earningsallwrkr as EarningsAllWorkers, hourearnallwrkr as HourlyEarningsAllWorkers, suppheallwrkr as SuppHEAllWrkr from xwalkcenter_working.dbo.ces -- 77 Commute D insert into Commute select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, periodyear, periodtype, period, wkstfips, case when wkareaty = '40' then '41' when wkareaty = '21' then '31' when wkareaty = '22' then '32' when wkareaty = '23' then '33' when wkareaty = '24' then '34' else wkareaty end as wkareaty, case when wkareaty = '40' then '2010' when wkareaty = '21' then '2010' when wkareaty = '22' then '2010' when wkareaty = '23' then '2010' when wkareaty = '24' then '2010' else '0000' end as wkareatyversion, wkarea, workers from wid28.dbo.commute where areatype='04' -- 78 CPI D insert into CPI select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, periodyear, periodtype, period, cpitype, cpisource, cpi, pctchgy, pctchgm from wid28.dbo.cpi -- 79 CPIPlus D insert into CPIPlus select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, periodyear, periodtype, period, adjusted, cpiindex, cpiitem, cpisource, basis, cpi, pctchangey, pctchangem from wid28.dbo.cpiplus where areatype in ('00','41') -- 80 Demographics D insert into Demographics SELECT stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, periodyear, periodtype, period ,[popsource] ,[population] ,[female] ,[male] ,[median] ,[medianmale] ,[medianfem] ,[totunder5] ,[femunder5] ,[maleunder5] ,[tot5to9] ,[fem5to9] ,[male5to9] ,[tot10to14] ,[fem10to14] ,[male10to14] ,[tot15to19] ,[fem15to19] ,[male15to19] ,[tot15to17] ,[fem15to17] ,[male15to17] ,[tot18to19] ,[fem18to19] ,[male18to19] ,[tot20to24] ,[fem20to24] ,[male20to24] ,[tot20] ,[fem20] ,[male20] ,[tot21] ,[fem21] ,[male21] ,[tot22to24] ,[fem22to24] ,[male22to24] ,[tot25to34] ,[fem25to34] ,[male25to34] ,[tot25to29] ,[fem25to29] ,[male25to29] ,[tot30to34] ,[fem30to34] ,[male30to34] ,[tot35to44] ,[fem35to44] ,[male35to44] ,[tot35to39] ,[fem35to39] ,[male35to39] ,[tot40to44] ,[fem40to44] ,[male40to44] ,[tot45to54] ,[fem45to54] ,[male45to54] ,[tot45to49] ,[fem45to49] ,[male45to49] ,[tot50to54] ,[fem50to54] ,[male50to54] ,[tot55to59] ,[fem55to59] ,[male55to59] ,[tot60to64] ,[fem60to64] ,[male60to64] ,[tot60to61] ,[fem60to61] ,[male60to61] ,[tot62to64] ,[fem62to64] ,[male62to64] ,[tot65to69] ,[fem65to69] ,[male65to69] ,[tot65to66] ,[fem65to66] ,[male65to66] ,[tot67to69] ,[fem67to69] ,[male67to69] ,[tot70to74] ,[fem70to74] ,[male70to74] ,[tot75to84] ,[fem75to84] ,[male75to84] ,[tot75to79] ,[fem75to79] ,[male75to79] ,[tot80to84] ,[fem80to84] ,[male80to84] ,[tot85xx] ,[fem85xx] ,[male85xx] ,[tot18xx] ,[fem18xx] ,[male18xx] ,[tot21xx] ,[fem21xx] ,[male21xx] ,[tot62xx] ,[fem62xx] ,[male62xx] ,[onerace] ,[white] ,[black] ,[naan] ,[asian] ,[pacisland] ,[other] ,[twomoraces] ,[hispanic] ,[hispwhite] ,[hispblack] ,[hispnaan] ,[hispasian] ,[hisppacisl] ,[hispother] ,[hisp2race] FROM wid28.[dbo].[demographics] where areatype in ('00','01','32','31','04') -- 81 EmpDBInf L insert into EmpDBInf select * from wid28.dbo.empdbinf -- 82 EmpDB D insert into EmpDB SELECT stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion ,area ,[uniqueid] ,[fein] ,[lastupdate] ,[name] ,[addressp] ,[cityp] ,[statep] ,[zipcodep] ,[zipplusp] ,[latitude] ,[longitude] ,[geopcode] ,[censustract] ,[censusblockgrp] ,[addressm] ,[citym] ,[statem] ,[zipcodem] ,[zipplusm] ,[addressl] ,[cityl] ,[statel] ,[zipcodel] ,[zipplusl] ,[telenum] ,[cntctlname] ,[cntctfname] ,[cntcttitle] ,[contacttitlecode] ,[contactprotitle] ,[contactgender] ,[contactemail] ,[tollfreetele] ,[faxnumber] ,[weburl] ,[busdesc] ,[primarysic] ,[sic2] ,[sic3] ,[sic4] ,[sic5] ,[primnaics] ,[naics2] ,[naics3] ,[naics4] ,[naics5] ,[privgovsta] ,[locstat] ,[stockexchcode] ,[stockticker] ,[whitecollarpct] ,[whitecollarind] ,[empsizrng] ,[empsizval] ,[empsizflg] ,[annsalrng] ,[annsalval] ,[annsalflg] ,[yearest] ,[creditcd] ,[hdqtrsid] ,[parentid] ,[ultimateparentid] ,[foreignparentind] ,[exportimportind] ,[businesstype] ,[workathome] ,[releaseno] FROM wid28.[dbo].[empdb] -- 83 Income D insert into Income select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, periodyear, periodtype, period, inctype, incsource, income, incrank, population, releasedate from wid28.dbo.income where areatype in ('00','01','04','31','32') -- 84 JOLTSTypes L insert into JOLTSTypes values ('HI','Hires'), ('JO','Job openings'), ('LD','Layoffs and discharges'), ('OS','Other Separation'), ('QU','Quits'), ('TS','Total Separations') -- 85 IndustrySums A insert into IndustrySums select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, indcodetyp, indcode, indsource, employers from wid28.dbo.indsum -- 86 JOLTS D --NEW -- 87 Industry D insert into Industry SELECT stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area ,[periodyear] ,[periodtype] ,[period] ,[indcodty] ,[indcode] ,[ownership] ,[prelim] ,[firms] ,[estab] ,[avgemp] ,[mnth1emp] ,[mnth2emp] ,[mnth3emp] ,[topempav] ,[totwage] ,[avgwkwage] ,[taxwage] ,[contrib] ,[suppress] FROM wid28.[dbo].[industry] -- 88 ProjectionsMatrix D insert into ProjectionsMatrix SELECT o.stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area ,estyear, periodtype, estperiod ,[matincode] ,[matoccode] , projyear ,[estemp] ,[projemp] ,[pctestind] ,[pctestocc] ,[pctprojind] ,[pctprojocc] ,[nchg] ,[pchg] ,[growrate] ,[growcode] --,[aopeng] --,[aopenr] --,[aopent] ,[exits] ,[annualexits] ,[transfers] ,[annualtransfers] ,[change] ,[annualchange] ,[openings] ,[annualopenings] ,case when [suppress] is null then '0' else suppress end FROM wid28.[dbo].[iomatrix] o left join wid28.dbo.periodid p on o.periodid = p.periodid -- 89 LaborForce D insert into LaborForce select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, periodyear, periodtype, period, adjusted, prelim, benchmark, laborforce, emplab, unemp, unemprate, clfprate, emppopratio from wid28.dbo.labforce -- 90 LicenseTypes L insert into LicenseTypes select * from wid28.dbo.licensetypes -- 91 LicenseExams L insert into LicenseExams select * from wid28.dbo.licenseexams -- 92 LicenseEducation L insert into LicenseEducation select * from wid28.dbo.licenseeducation -- 93 LicenseContinuingEdu L insert into LicenseContinuingEdu select * from wid28.dbo.liccontinuingedu -- 94 LicenseCertifications L insert into LicenseCertifications select * from wid28.dbo.licensecertification -- 95 LicenseExperience L insert into LicenseExperience select * from wid28.dbo.licenseexperience -- 96 LicenseCriminal L insert into LicenseCriminal select * from wid28.dbo.licensecriminal -- 97 LicensePhysicalReqs L insert into LicensePhysicalReqs select * from wid28.dbo.licensephysicalreqs -- 98 LicenseActiveStatuses L insert into LicenseActiveStatuses select * from wid28.dbo.licenseactivestatus -- 99 LicenseVeteran L insert into LicenseVeteran select licveteran, licveterandesc from wid28.dbo.licenseveteran -- 100 LicenseAuthorities D insert into LicenseAuthorities select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, licauthid, department, division, board, address1, address2, case when city is null then '' else city end, case when st is null then '' else st end, case when zip is null then '' else zip end, zipext, latitude, longitude, geopcode, telephone, teleext, fax, contact, email, url from wid28.dbo.licauth where areatype<>'20' -- 101 License D insert into License select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, licenseid, licauthid, lictitle, licdesc, licensetype, exam, education, continuingedu, certification, experience, criminal, physical, veteran, inactive, licenseurl, licenseupdated from wid28.dbo.license where areatype<>'20' -- 102 LicenseXLicense X --NEW -- 103 LicenseHistory D insert into LicenseHistory select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, periodyear, periodtype, period, licenseid, licnumtype, licnum from wid28.dbo.lichist -- 104 IOWage D insert into IOWage select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, periodyear, periodtype, period, indcodty, indcode, occodetype, occcode, wagesource, empcount,ratetype, response, mean, entrywg, experience, pct10, pct25, median, pct75, pct90, udpct, upctwage, udrnglopct, udrnghipct, udrngmean, wpctrelerr, epctrelerr, panelcode, suppresswage,suppressall, suppressemp from wid28.dbo.iowage -- 105 TransferPayments D --NEW -- 106 Population D insert into Population select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, periodyear, periodtype, period, popsource, population, releasedate from wid28.dbo.populatn -- 107 Schools D insert into Schools select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, instcode, insttype, instown, instname1, instname2, address1, address2, city, st, zip, zipext, latitude, longitude, geopcode, telephone, teleext, fax, url, contact, distancelearn, satellitecampus from wid28.dbo.schools -- 108 ProgramCompleters D insert into ProgramCompleters select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, instcode, periodyear, periodtype, period, codetype, code, compltype, completers, placecomp from wid28.dbo.progcomp insert into occupationcodes select * from wid28.dbo.occcodes where codetype='15' -- 109 Programs D insert into Programs select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, instcode, codetype, code, compltype, length, lengthtype, progcost, progtitle, progdesc, cipcodetype, cipcode, url, classroom, online, classtime, etplapproval from wid28.dbo.programs insert into occupationcodes select * from wid28.dbo.occcodes where codetype='03' insert into occupationcodes select * from wid28.dbo.occcodes where codetype='20' -- 110 SalesRevenue D insert into SalesRevenue select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, periodyear, periodtype, period, salestype, sales from wid28.dbo.sales -- 111 Supply D insert into Supply select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, periodyear, periodtype, period, insttype, instown, codetype, code, compltype, completers from wid27.dbo.supply select * from wid27.dbo.cipcode where cipcodetype='20' and cipcodetype+cipcode not in (select cipcodetype+cipcode from cipcodes) insert into occupationcodes select distinct stfips, cipcodetype, cipcode, ciptitle from cipcodes cross join statefips where stfips<>'00' and cipcodetype='20' select * from occupationcodes where codetype = '15' insert into occupationcodes select distinct stfips, '20', '490109', 'Remote Aircraft Pilot' from cipcodes cross join statefips where cipcodetype='20' select * from wid27.dbo.occcodes where code='490109 ' -- 112 TaxRevenues D insert into TaxRevenues select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, periodyear, periodtype, period, taxtype, taxrevenue from wid28.dbo.tax -- 113 UIClaims D insert into UIClaims select stfips, case when areatype = '40' then '41' when areatype = '21' then '31' when areatype = '22' then '32' when areatype = '23' then '33' when areatype = '24' then '34' else areatype end as areatype, case when areatype = '40' then '2010' when areatype = '41' then '2018' when areatype = '21' then '2010' when areatype = '22' then '2010' when areatype = '23' then '2010' when areatype = '24' then '2010' when areatype = '31' then '2017' when areatype = '32' then '2017' when areatype = '33' then '2017' when areatype = '34' then '2017' else '0000' end as areatypeversion, area, periodyear, periodtype, period, claimtype, occodetype, occcode, indcodty, indcode, agegroup, raceethn, raceethn, --these two will need to be mapped since they're being divided into two columns gender, claimants, weekscomp, firstpayments, duration from wid28.dbo.uiclaims -- 114 OccupationXOccupation X insert into OccupationXOccupation select * from wid28.dbo.occxocc -- 115 IndustryXIndustry X insert into IndustryXIndustry select * from wid28.dbo.indxind -- 118 LayTitleXOcc X insert into LayTitleXOcc select * from wid28.dbo.laytxocc -- 119 LicenseXOcc X insert into LicenseXOcc select * from wid28.dbo.licxocc -- 120 MatrixXInd X insert into MatrixXInd select o.stfips, matincode, estyear, '01', estperiod, projyear, indcodetype, indcode, subtot from wid28.dbo.matxind o left join wid28.dbo.periodid p on o.periodid = p.periodid -- 121 MatrixXOcc X insert into MatrixXOcc select o.stfips, matoccode, estyear, '01', estperiod, projyear, occodetype, occcode, subtot from wid28.dbo.matxocc o left join wid28.dbo.periodid p on o.periodid = p.periodid -- 122 TableList A insert into TableList select * from wid28.dbo.tabllist -- 123 TableSource A insert into TableSource select * from wid28.dbo.tablsrce