Recent Updates – 7/7

07/07 – Errata and new version of WID 2.7 data dictionary

07/07— CES Tables


               Posted in: ARC, Content           

State Tax Receipts

We’ve updated the Census Bureau’s estimates of state tax collections for potential use in the WID TAX table.  This has resulted in the creation of an additional TAXTYPEs.   National and state estimates are available for selected years between 1902 and 1948 and 1950-2016.  The estimates for 2016 are new.  No additional changes have been made.

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New Year Tasks

At the start of the new year, don’t forget to update your PERIOD table with new records for the year, months and any other time frames you use (quarters, etc.)

               Posted in: Uncategorized           

Military Crosswalk Updated

The Department of Defense has released their November 2016 update to their crosswalk from military to civilian occupations. Find a link to information about this latest update and for downloading the file from the NCSC’s WID Non-Standard Tables page.

               Posted in: ARC           


 BLS Adds NAICS 2012/2017 features to web site
This web application provides a search feature as well as access to downloadable files containing titles, descriptions, cross references, illustrative examples and index items. It contains all of this information for both the 2012 and 2017 NAICS versions.
               Posted in: Partners           

Workforce GPS web site

This web site, sponsored by the Employment and Training Administration, provides a variety of resources that are useful in dealing with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity ACT (WIOA) and other features of our current environment. Be sure to visit LMI Central.
               Posted in: Partners